My Week At The 2016 World Nomad Games

Hey friends!  In case you hadn’t already noticed on Instagram, Facebook, or by my talking about it in some of my other recent posts, I had the incredible fortune to compete earlier this month in the 2016 World Nomad Games representing the United States.  It was, to say the least, probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever done in my entire life.  As the announcer in the opening ceremony said, “If Ghengis Khan were alive, he would want to be here.” Continue reading “My Week At The 2016 World Nomad Games”

We Won Blog It Home! I’m Going To DC!

Guys, I have amazing news.  Thanks to the over one thousand people who liked and shared my blog across Facebook and the rest of the internet, I was named one of the 8 Top Bloggers in the Peace Corps for 2016!  Words can’t capture just how happy and grateful I feel right now. Continue reading “We Won Blog It Home! I’m Going To DC!”

FINAL PUSH! Blog It Home Closes Monday Night And I Still Need Your Help!

Hey everyone!  In case you’ve not opened Facebook in the past few days and heard the news, I was named a finalist in the 2016 Peace Corps Blog It Home blogging contest!  That means that out of over 300 blogs that were submitted to the contest, I’m in the top 20!  In the entire Peace Corps!

Continue reading “FINAL PUSH! Blog It Home Closes Monday Night And I Still Need Your Help!”

Guys, I’m A Finalist For Blog It Home And I Need Your Help!

Some really exciting news this week: In addition to being about to welcome our 10,000th visitor (!), I got the news that Monday Bazaar has been selected as a finalist in the 4th Annual Peace Corps Blog It Home blogging contest!  And I need your help! Continue reading “Guys, I’m A Finalist For Blog It Home And I Need Your Help!”

My Peace Corps Application Timeline

So it seems like its some sort of Peace Corps blogger tradition to put together a timeline of one’s application process through the start of service, and since there aren’t a whole lot yet from people who applied under the new application system, I thought that it’s as good a time as any for me to add my own to the melée.  So here goes! Continue reading “My Peace Corps Application Timeline”

A Traveling TOT in Chong Alay

Back in December, at my HIV/AIDS Stigma Reduction Training, a crowd descended upon me as we finished the training.  These women were the heads of the regional Health Promotion Units (HPUs) around Osh Oblast.  Each was hoping to meet me to find out if I could come give additional trainings at their respective clinics for them and their staff.

After four months trying to get it off the ground, I’m happy to say that the project is moving fast, and we’ve already done two full-scale day-long trainings, with more to come as we move on.  Today I’ll walk us through the project from its genesis, focusing on the most recent training, and how we’re modifying it moving forward. Continue reading “A Traveling TOT in Chong Alay”

Kyrgyzstan’s Health Promotion System

I have talked a little about a few projects I’m doing so far, but a lot of my stories have lacked some context.  Today I want to explain to you how Kyrgyzstan’s health system works, what Health Promotion is, and how my work and my fellow volunteers’ work fits into this structure. Continue reading “Kyrgyzstan’s Health Promotion System”

June 2016 Photo Roundup

It’s the end of the month, and as a part of a new blogging and photography goal I’ve set for myself with BloggingAbroad, I’ve been taking photos based on prompts (and just from life in general), and I wanted to share a few with you!  Take a look, read about it, and click to enlarge if you want to see more closely. Continue reading “June 2016 Photo Roundup”

Mile 14: Trainings And Travel

June has been a busy month work-wise, even though I feel sometimes like I’m not doing a whole lot at the same time.  This is sort of a hallmark of the Peace Corps – so many of us are so driven, that even though blogging, teaching, and helping your organization is work, there is not enough work to fill the day to the levels we are accustomed in the US.  But despite that feeling, quite a lot happened! Continue reading “Mile 14: Trainings And Travel”