The countdown is getting real – there’s exactly one month left until I pull the final zipper shut on my duffels and, very casually, hop a plane to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. This countdown also happens to mean that I have only two weeks left in my current home of Washington, DC, where I have lived since September. I’ve got to do everything… take the GRE, sell my furniture (done), somehow dispense with my large collection of books, throw away a lot of useless trinkets, pack up the ones I like, and work my last week in the office before that. And that’s before I get my ducks in a row back at my parents’ house in Seattle, visit family in California, and then finally put the things I need into the duffels that will have to carry me through the 27 months in a place that, so far, looks just as beautiful as I’ve imagined.